Human  Sundial  Plans  -  plus making a 'working-model'.
Create our unique 'interactive' (and theft-proof) "Sunclocks"
which use any  PERSON'S  OWN  SHADOW  to tell correct time !
[ Human Sundial concept - click this, for main web-site ]
If an Internet 'search' has taken you directly to THIS page,  then
we would strongly recommend that you should firstly go to the
opening page of our web-site  -  so you can choose any section
of most interest to you, such as Photographs or the Frequently
Asked Questions  -  or even making money from "Sunclocks" !
Alternatively, the 'Sitemap' page would give you more options.
A "Sunclock"  is an extremely 'interactive' sundial for children
plus this is also illustrated in School-books, (UK and America).
These unique sundial layouts are simple to make (and in many
different materials)  -  see photographs, in our 'Picture Gallery'.
They are often used by an Architect, or a Landscaper - who will
include them as interesting features, within their own projects.
However, due to many complex calculations needed, they will
just purchase customized Layout Plans from us  -  with all the
measurements required, plus detailed setting-out instructions.
If you may prefer to have such Layout Plans totally FREE, then
please telephone us to explain your reasons WHY.  Similarly, if
you are located within the United States or Canada  -  you must
also telephone our 'Distributor' (Paul Ratto) on 438 792 4823, to
request a FREE set of Plans.  For any customers in Europe (but
excluding the UK), or Australasia  -  then you could contact the
relevant 'Distributor', whose details can be found on this page.
For example, you may represent any 'Charity'  -  and so want to
save money, on the installation of a unique "Sunclock"  layout.
[ FREE layout plans, for 'Charities' ]
If you may want to see a SAMPLE, then just click on this link to
'down-load' ONE page, (which is for a location in New Zealand).
[ IMPORTANT NOTE ]   All of our "Sunclock"  Plans have much more information,
with accurate (metric) dimensions plus a simple layout method.
Our full set has six pages, (including several helpful diagrams).
Also remember that we offer FREE help or advice, at any time !
If you prefer to view a 'sample set' (of all 6 pages), it is certainly
possible - although you have to telephone us, to request those.
We could then make that data available to you, (in PDF format).
For those customers in the United States/Canada, Europe (but
excluding  the United Kingdom), or Australia/New Zealand - we
suggest contacting a 'Distributor', for your own country, which
could make it easier to buy the customized "Sunclock"  Plans.
These interactive 'Human Sundials' are now extremely popular
and here are just three of many pictures, which you can view :
[ School project - click for more information ]       [ On grass lawns - click for more information ]       [ Hard landscape - click for more information ]
Those are only small copies  -  full-size photographs (plus further details
for each of them), are shown within the 'Picture Gallery' on our web-site.
You could also click on any of the pictures, above, for more information.
Unique layouts can be created, in a wide range of materials  -  using our
sundial plans, plus which are specifically 'customized' to each location.


If you are looking for a 'hands-on' outdoor educational project,
which would teach basic principles of sundials  -  then making
a Human Sundial is an excellent choice, and it also brightens-
up any playgrounds with a useful (plus vandal-proof) feature !
Especially in a School situation, remember that its layout may
even be 'self-funding'  -  plus also giving the perfect reason to
look forward to a School Re-union, on some date in the future.
As well as being used for its intended function, the 'feed-back'
we receive (mainly from Teachers) suggests that children find
these "Sunclocks"  absolutely fascinating  -  because they are
using THEIR OWN SHADOWS, to tell correct clock time !   Kids
also devise their own set of 'games', based around the layout.
In the UK, many Schools use our interactive "Sunclocks"  as a
way to cover several requirements of the National Curriculum.
Even if you do not want to make a 'full-size' Human Sundial, on
the ground, you could scale-down the Layout Plans to create a
smaller version, on paper  -  plus which can be taken home, by
each of the students, to be used as accurate 'working-models'.
To do that, just print-out the layout (page 5) from our Plans and
stick it on to a piece of stiff cardboard using suitable adhesive.
A thin vertical rod (for example, a pencil) can cast the shadow,
plus is moved along its 'Date-scale' to the appropriate position
(which would illustrate the varying Seasons, month by month).
The double-ring will automatically cope with 'Daylight-Saving',
plus you can also see an example on our 'School-books' page.
The two small diagrams below show a typical layout, and note
that both the rings of Hour-markers are elliptical (not circular).
For the Southern Hemisphere however, layouts will be totally
different  -  with Hours being in the 'anti-clockwise' direction !
[ A typical 'Human Sundial' layout ]         [ A typical 'Date-scale' layout ]
Remember that YOU could make additional income by simply
're-selling' our customized Layout Plans, to other people  -  for
example: Schools, Gardeners, plus Architects & Landscapers.
ALL of the profits which you make, are entirely your own, and
each layout automatically acts as its own advertisement  -  so
creating an expanding 'chain-reaction' effect, of more orders !
Please telephone us, if you are interested in that opportunity,
plus you will make even more money by producing any 'kits'.

The word "Sundial", can cover many different types - such as
pedestal-mounted, vertical wall-dials, 'armillary spheres', etc.
However, these might not tell the correct clock time - and will
also suffer from the problem of attracting thieves, or vandals,
which is a significant disadvantage of any 'traditional' sundial.
Most people prefer to have an accurate  Sundial, which could
be essentially 'theft-proof' - as well as an 'interactive' feature,
plus becoming a unique 'conversation piece' for their garden.
People also want one which can 'change itself automatically',
when other clocks are put forward or back in Spring/Autumn.
Our "Sunclocks"  (or Human Sundials) solve those problems.
They can be made from almost any material, to 'blend-in' with
locations - and (if on grass), just run your lawn-mower over it.
Unlike the 'mass-produced' sundials you might normally see,
each of these "Sunclock"  layouts is also absolutely UNIQUE.
As well as the fact that it would significantly 'add value', to the
selling-price of a property  -  just think how envious all of your
neighbours might be, of this interactive and functional feature
which may place you in the same category as Stately Homes.


This page only gives some basic reasons for their popularity,
both as garden sundials, as well as in the Educational Sector.
If you may like further information on "Sunclocks", and view
many more pictures of other layouts  -  then please click this
link to our MAIN WEB-SITE, for these 'interactive' SUNDIALS.
As well as photographs from all over the world, you can also
discover some more 'Human Sundial' advantages  -  plus get
details of how you can easily make your own "Sunclock",  or
perhaps purchase ready-made 'kits' (in a range of materials).
You would even find out how to make some money, from it !
We offer this as a "FREE Franchise", costing NOTHING to be
involved  -  and ALL the profits you make are entirely yours.
For example, you can simply re-sell each customized set of
sundial plans (at your own price)  -  plus just send these via
E-mail using a home computer, without any 'physical' work.
[ Profit ]              [ E-mail our Plans ]              [ Profit ]
More money will be made, by installing "Sunclocks"  -  and
they act as their own advertisements, for additional orders.
You could just paint our Human Sundial layouts, on School
playgrounds  -  or sell 'kits', in your own choice of material,
which become unique garden features for your customers.
Please contact us, if you would be interested in generating
any income with this unusual 'opportunity'.  It is best if you
telephone, requesting to speak directly with Douglas Hunt.
He will then be able to discuss all the various possibilities,
plus also give advice to suit your personal circumstances.
Click on the 'book' icon, to see a list of all pages in our web-site  [ Sitemap ]