The  "SUNCLOCK"   Concept,   with   its   Advantages
Our unique 'Human Sundials' were originally designed as novel
garden features  -  but were quickly adopted by  SCHOOLS,  for
outdoor educational projects.   Because these pages are mainly
visited by Junior Schools, our web-site is deliberately kept very
simple - so it can be accessed with older computers / Browsers
(as well as people using modern colour-screen mobile phones),
in addition to making all the pages extremely fast to down-load.
[ IMPORTANT NOTE ]   Since more and more people are now 'Web-browsing' via
mobile telephones, or any similar hand-held device (instead of
using a desk-based computer)  -  every page of this web-site is
deliberately designed to fit inside a screen width of 640 pixels,
thus avoiding any need for continuous 'scrolling' left and right.
For example  -  try viewing our web-site on an "Apple i-phone",
where all the text and photographs should be seen very easily.
Similarly, the pages should be seen perfectly by anyone who is
using an "Android tablet" - even in portrait (upright) orientation,
so that only vertical scrolling will be required on such a device.

When compared against most of the normal traditional sundials,
then our "Sunclocks"  certainly have some definite advantages:
(1)    These cannot easily be stolen, (or vandalised)  -  and so they
        are ideal for 'public' locations, such as a pedestrian precinct.
(2)    They can be made using many different materials (concrete,
        stone, brick, mosaic, etc)  -  or just painted, on to the ground.
(3)    These show CORRECT  time, and adjust automatically when
        other clocks are 'put forward or back', in the Spring / Autumn.
(4)    Provided they are set slightly below 'ground-level' (on grass
        areas), you can run a lawnmower over it without any damage.
(5)    Every "Sunclock"  layout is totally UNIQUE  -  so you can be
        sure that no two are exactly alike, anywhere within the world.
(6)    These make an unusual 'conversation-piece'  -  plus with its
        'novelty factor', of YOU  becoming part of your own sundial !
(7)    It can increase the selling-value of properties, and put them
        in the same category as some of the famous Stately Homes.

Please visit our  'Picture Gallery'  section, to see photographs.
It should give you ideas for creating your own Human Sundial,
and here are just three of the many images you can find there.
[ Florida - click for more information ]        [ Louisiana - click for more information ]        [ New Mexico - click for more information ]
These are only small copies  -  the full-size photographs (plus with some further
information on each of them), are displayed within our web-site 'Picture Gallery'.
You can also click on each of the pictures, shown above, to obtain more details.
In addition to those general advantages, outlined above  -  many
Schools use our "Sunclocks"  for a curriculum-wide project, as it
is ideal for any 'outdoor classroom' areas (or in a school garden)
and offers 'hands-on' educational aspects in a range of subjects:
(1)    Its layout will actively involve the children in Measurement,
        with all of the dimensions given in Metres and Centimetres.
(2)    Uses an easy X&Y co-ordinate 'grid' system, for setting-out.
        (As well as ensuring your layout will be accurate, this could
        help a Teacher to explain about 'graphs' in a practical way).
(3)    These clearly demonstrate the ever-varying 'altitude' of the
        Sun, which causes the Seasons to change during the year.
(4)    It includes a method for finding your  TRUE  North direction
        and avoids using an un-reliable magnetic compass for this.
(5)    Teachers might like to note, that measurement accuracy of
        a layout is checked by using 'Right-Angle Triangles'  -  (but
        we do not actually mention "Pythagoras" theorem in that) !
(6)    In addition to their obvious connections with 'Mathematics',
        and 'Science'  -  our "Sunclock"  is often used as an outdoor
        'Art and Craft' project, to brighten-up School grounds with a
        feature which is interactive, decorative, plus vandal-proof.
(7)    If you do not have any suitable ground area, then just make
        small 'working-models' instead.  They are very simple, and
        cheap, to produce  -  using a paper print-out, glued on card.
        Each child can take their own 'model' home, after making it,
        to confirm that this really does indicate correct clock time !

Because they have many curriculum-wide elements, within the
Educational Sector  -  our "Sunclocks"  are regularly featured in
various 'Teaching' publications.  They are also shown in School
text-books, and you could click this link to see some examples.
For any schools located in the United States, you can click this
link to the Green Schools Initiative web-site  -  which has many
'environmentally friendly' ideas, for improving school grounds,
plus which suggests painting a schoolyard "Sunclock"  layout.
In America, it is also regularly used as an 'Eagle Scout' project.
[ National Eagle Scout Association ]
Typical 'testimonials' include this one, from the Principal at the
Coomera Springs State School, (Queensland, Australia)  -  who
said: "Sunclocks are a wonderful teaching tool for all teachers,
plus students.  I can highly recommend this colourful, fun, and
educational resource  -  essential for any school playground !"
Human Sundials can just be painted on the ground, or a simple
mosaic method could also be used as an 'art and craft' project.
Alternatively, metal studs might be used for layouts on tarmac.
A very popular associated project is to make a 'Time-Capsule',
which can be used as a fund-raiser  -  and this also creates the
ideal reason to have a "School Re-union", at some future date.

[ IMPORTANT NOTE ]   Like all other sundials, every unique "Sunclock"  must be
'tailor-made' to its own Latitude & Longitude  -  since otherwise
it would not be able to tell correct clock time, for your location.
However, the complex calculations involved are not something
most people would really like to work-out for themselves  -  and
so our business eliminates that worry, by providing you with all
the accurate measurements (and detailed instructions) needed.
So that you can very easily create a "Sunclock"  feature, please
see the page on  Making your own Human Sundial  -  which has
additional details, about our 'Customized Layout Plans' service.
The cost for our set of customized Layout Plans is kept low, as
most of our customers are Schools  -  and you could decide on
what materials you might want to use, to make the "Sunclock",
which also ensures that all Human Sundial layouts are unique !
Also note that the price for our customized Plans, includes free
and unlimited help  -  so you can contact us at any time (we are
open 24 hours each day), if you have questions or need advice.
There is no additional charge, for such help  -  simply quote the
'Reference Number', which was allocated to your Layout Plans.
However, due to the highly 'customized' nature of these Layout
Plans (uniquely created for each customer's location)  -  please
note we have a strict policy of "firm sales", with NO REFUNDS.
If preferred, then you are very welcome to request a 'SAMPLE'
of our "Sunclock"  Plans  -  before ultimately choosing to place
an order, for your own 'personalised set' of layout instructions.
After obtaining our customized Layout Plans, should any page
be 'lost' by a customer  -  then note that its entire set will need
to be re-purchased again, as we do not supply a replacement !
However, such Plans would come from an alternative supplier
as it is not our policy to provide the same set more than once.
Whether you are at a SCHOOL, looking for 'outdoor' projects to
make learning FUN  -  or searching for unusual features to be a
'conversation-piece' in a GARDEN (to impress any neighbours,
as well as increasing the selling value of your property)  -  then
please consider installing one of our unique 'Human Sundials',
which are certainly the most interactive sundials for children !
Architects plus Landscape-Designers often like to include one
within their own projects, usually for 'public' sites  -  such as a
Park, Pedestrian Precinct, Children's Play Area, Sea-front, etc.
These are popular as garden sundials (being 'theft-proof', plus
will not interfere with grass-cutting, if installed on lawn areas).
You can click this link, to see why our unique "Sunclocks"  are
preferred  -  in comparison with any traditional type of sundial.

[ IMPORTANT NOTE ]   They were popular as a vandal-proof "Millennium marker",
and can be 'self-funding' by using an associated Time-Capsule !
It is a very useful fund-raising method for 'Anniversary' layouts,
or if you want any 'community involvement' in your "Sunclock".
Basically, people will pay a small amount of money, in return for
the privilege of placing something into the 'capsule', for a future
historian to find.   This can be anything from just basic Name or
Address details - to family photos, their old war medals, etc, etc.
The photographs, below, show a "Time-Capsule ceremony" at a
school in Croatia - and some of the children who were involved.
[ Ceremony group ]         [ The containers ]

[ Finally enclosing their buried 'Time-Capsule' ]

Schools can easily use this technique as a 'curriculum-wide' teaching
project, by asking pupils to write short predictions of future life, to put
in the Time-Capsule (English & History) - and using our "Sunclock"
(Science & Maths) as a focal point for this project, on a 'Time' theme.
It then benefits school funds - plus brightens-up the playground, too !
That also provides the perfect excuse for a School Re-union, as well,
when former pupils get together, to see their Time-Capsule being re-
opened - you can even offer a prize for the most accurate prediction.
Teachers (and/or Parents) within the United States of America, might
like to note that our "Sunclock"  is regularly used for the 'community
feature' section, by young persons working on Eagle Scout projects.

This page gives the advantages of a Human Sundial.  If you are
interested, please go to the 'Frequently Asked Questions' page
where you could obtain more detailed information - or visit our
'Picture Gallery', to see many layouts from Australia to Alaska.
If you know any people who may like to make an income, from
"Sunclocks"  -  then please ask them to contact Douglas Hunt,
who would be glad to discuss various money-making options.
Several methods are outlined on our web-site page which has
details of Profitable Opportunities, plus they are offered on an
entirely 'Free Franchise' basis  -  costing absolutely NOTHING
to become involved, and you keep ALL the profits you make !
For example, you can simply re-sell customized sundial plans
(at your own price)  -  and just E-mail these, to the customers.
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