Yet another technique, which can be used to create some really
colourful layouts, is by making your "Sunclock" from MOSAIC.
The close-up photograph, below, shows an Hour-marker for the
number "7" - created in the shape of a rabbit, on top of a turtle,
or perhaps illustrating the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare".
This is located at the New Tunmarsh Centre, (east London, UK).
The range of colours, textures, or 'themes' could only be limited
by your own imagination - plus our second photograph shows
a Date-scale in mosaic, using different colours for each 'month'.
The next photograph, is also colourful mosaic - for a children's
garden located at "Auckland Botanic Gardens", in New Zealand.
Since this is within the 'Southern Hemisphere', notice that all of
its Hour-markers are numbered in the anti-clockwise direction !
Months are also 'reversed', (compare it with the picture above).
It would be relatively easy to produce professional layouts, by
using any small coloured 'tiles' for swimming-pools - and this
picture below is a Date-scale month for July, made with these.
Although, within Britain, a 'mosaic kit' is available - most people
(mainly at Schools) will prefer to make their own, by embedding
pieces of broken crockery, beads, etc, into a setting mortar mix.
The mortar is normally spread on some ordinary concrete slabs,
which provides supporting strength for the mosaic layer on top.
It also gives any School a very interesting 'art and craft' project.
The panel, below, contains photographs of this method. On the
section of Date-scale, notice how an 'autumn and winter theme'
(leaves/snowman) has replaced the more usual month lettering.
This easy mosaic technique has also been used in the following
"Sunclock" layout - located at Monarch Park, Fairview, Texas.
Children from a local School created all of its 'Hour-markers', in
the shape of a colourful butterfly - and you can see how these
have been made, in the other two close-up photographs below.
Our next picture, is another nice layout (again with butterflies!),
and located at "Brading Roman Villa" - on the Isle of Wight, UK.
The photograph, beneath it, shows a 'close-up' of its Date-scale
section - with many brightly-coloured pieces of mosaic on this,
which were mainly put together by some local school-children.
Here is another example of colourful mosaic, where a 'theme' of
animals and birds has been used - as well as the month names.
See if you can spot "OCT" (to indicate October), in this picture !
Originally at Bramley Frith Environmental Centre, this was later
're-located' to Queen Mary's College (Basingstoke, Hampshire).
These 'themed' layouts have become very popular, especially for
Schools - and this photograph, below, shows one at "Parkwood
Primary School" in Western Australia. Being created on a paved
area, it was just painted (easier and quicker than mosaic) - plus
you could see many other examples, within our painting section.
Note that its 'Hour-markers' are in the ANTI-clockwise direction !
Potential customers in the Southern Hemisphere should contact
our Distributor in Australia (George Marshall), if you might like to
make any similar customized interactive 'Human Sundial' layout.
Within the United States of America, our "Sunclocks" are a very
popular Eagle Scout community project - plus this next picture
shows some children 'trying-out' their new mosaic layout, which
is located at the "Alanton Elementary School" in Virginia Beach.
With help from Melissa MacDonald (art teacher), the mosaic was
made and installed by Nikolas Long, for his 'Eagle Scout' award.
However, if you do not really have time for these 'Do-it-Yourself'
methods, and would prefer to use the services of a professional
mosaic artist to create a "Sunclock" - then we recommend that
you contact David Bowers at Mosaic Madness, who may be able
to help. You can also telephone him, on 0117 980 1920 (Bristol).
"Mosaic Madness" can offer hands-on 'workshops', for Schools,
within reasonable travelling distance of Bristol - but they could
also supply 'kits' of mosaic parts to make your own "Sunclock",
and again you should contact David Bowers for details of these.
Connected with the "Brunel 200th anniversary", (2006) - here is
a layout by "Mosaic Madness" sited at an Infant School, in Bath.
The lower picture is a 'close-up' view, of the Southern part of its
Date-scale - showing what could be done with their mosaic kit,
by fixing the multi-coloured pieces on to concrete paving slabs.
However, as with similar 'hard' materials (such as concrete and
reconstituted stone) - there are a few dangers associated with
mosaic layouts, especially in school or other 'public' locations !
If you are thinking about using mosaic to create any "Sunclock",
(particularly for a 'public' location) - then we could suggest you
should visit the web-site of "Drostle Public Arts", or just contact
Gary Drostle directly, via his UK 'mobile' number: 07719 529520.
He offers a very professional (and 'award-winning') service, but
please keep in mind that such installations could be expensive.
Another person we could highly recommend, both for any public
'community involvement' projects and 'workshops' at schools, is
Bernadette Hughes. You may visit her own web-site, by clicking
on her name - or contact via UK 'mobile' number: 07811 655178.
Due to the international popularity of our "Sunclocks", these are
often created by mosaic artists for an 'interactive' public feature.
The first photograph below, shows a raised mosaic layout which
is located at Cecil Plains (Queensland, Australia). It was created
as a local community project, with funding by 'art' organizations.
The lower picture is a close-up view of its very colourful pieces,
and there are other photographs of it in our 'world-wide' section.
To find any mosaic workers, in your local area, you can contact the
"Art Outside" organization - with information on numerous artists,
who offer a wide range of items, made in many different materials.
If you would like to see some more of the photographs 
you can return to our 'Picture Gallery', by clicking on this icon.
Click on Red Button, to return to FIRST PAGE.
Should you have any questions, then please contact us via our
Response Form - or click on this link to see why "Sunclocks"
have become so popular, when compared with other sundials.
Remember you could also make money with Human Sundials,
so please contact us if you may be interested in generating an
income, from this very unusual 'opportunity'. We suggest that
you telephone us, plus ask to speak direct with Douglas Hunt,
whose sundial plans have been in use world-wide since 1986.
Douglas should then be able to discuss several 'possibilities',
and give some advice suited to your personal circumstances.
Our unique sundial designs are located in numerous different
situations - from Schoolyards, to private gardens and Parks,
as well as courtyard sundials at prestigious "Stately Homes".
"Sunclocks" are very interactive sundials for children - plus
all of our sundial layouts are 'customized', for YOUR location,
so you can be sure that it would show the correct clock time.
These are particularly popular within the Educational Sector,
due to many 'curriculum-wide' aspects, of a Human Sundial !
You could click these links to see why "Sunclocks" are now
often used as school sundials, plus the benefits for teachers
(including 'fund-raising') of these novel sundials for learning.
As garden sundials, there are advantages over the 'pedestal'
type - mainly since our ground-level "Sunclock" cannot be
stolen, plus it does not interfere with grass-cutting of a lawn.
Click here to find why this sundial has become very popular,
when compared with some of the other 'conventional' types.
Click on this 'book' icon, to see a list of ALL the pages in our web-site - and
select your choice of category, from within that 'Sitemap' section :