We send our "Sunclock" Plans all over the world - and the
contact details for our various 'Distributors' (North America,
Europe, plus Australasia) are also shown on this web-page.
If you are obtaining the Layout Plans, through one of those
'Distributors' - keep in mind that their prices will be higher
than charged by ourselves, due to additional profit-margin.
Note that if you contact any 'Distributor', but they have not
responded (within a MAXIMUM of 3 DAYS) - please tell us
about this, because it is likely that you could be entitled to
FREE Layout Plans, (plus some 'financial compensation') !
Similarly if you have a COMPLAINT about any 'Distributor',
please tell us what has caused the situation - since under
such circumstances, you would also be entitled to receive
FREE Plans, (and 'compensation' paid by the 'Distributor').
If you have friends/relatives, in the UK, they can buy
Plans for you - avoiding higher prices, via a 'Distributor'.
The photograph, below, is a simple layout being painted on
to the tarmac playground at a Primary School, in Tasmania.
These are highly popular 'interactive' sundials for children !
Because this is in the southern hemisphere, notice how its
Hour-markers have been numbered 'anti-clockwise' - plus
its central Date-scale should also be different to a layout in
the northern hemisphere, since the Seasons are 'opposite'.
Although it is mainly schools which install 'Human Sundials',
these are also often created as an interactive plus functional
feature in public areas. The photograph below shows one at
Prebbleton (New Zealand) - and again using 'anti-clockwise'
numbers for Hour-markers, within the southern hemisphere.
For further information on any locations within the southern
hemisphere (especially Australia, or New Zealand) - please
refer to that part, on our 'Frequently Asked Questions' page.
That section also has details of the suitable 'Latitudes', for a
Human Sundial - because we do NOT recommend creating
these "Sunclock" layouts in 'tropical' regions, of the world.
This next picture, illustrates a layout being painted on to the
ground at a refugee camp for children, in Dharmsala - which
is on the borders of Northern India, and Tibet. We were told
the Dalai Lama used their "Sunclock" when it was finished,
though unfortunately we don't have any photograph of that !
Our "Sunclocks" are always very popular with schools, due
to these having many curriculum-wide educational benefits.
Though we provide the Layout Plans in ENGLISH language,
you could see in the above photograph that other countries
will easily change the 'markings' to suit their own locations.
For example, this first picture below shows a very colourful
layout in Croatia - with the other two being a stone feature
for "Pitmedden Garden" (Ellon, UK), where its wording was
carved in 'Old Scots' (sometimes named "Doric") language.
Moving to the other side of the world, the photograph below
is a "Sunclock" being painted at Juneau (capital of Alaska).
Like many of our Human Sundials, this was created to be an
interactive and useful feature to mark the Millennium - being
officially inaugurated at the 'Summer Solstice', in June 2001.
It was installed by various local community groups, and this
picture shows Michael Orelove (the official 'time-keeper', for
Juneau) - plus who confirmed accuracy of our Layout Plans.
Community layouts can be self-funding and create publicity.
For a layout in the United States or Canada, please E-mail to
Paul Ratto - the 'order-taker' covering NORTH AMERICA, or
alternatively you could telephone to him, on: (438) 792 4823.
You can also click on this link, direct to Paul's own website.
Our interactive 'Human Sundials' are now becoming popular
in Eastern Europe - and if you are located in that part of the
world, please E-mail to Slaven Licina for more information.
Slaven is our 'Distributor', for ALL the countries in EUROPE,
as well as the Eastern Mediterranean countries - and which
includes those such as Turkey, Cyprus, Israel, Lebanon etc.
Alternatively, you could use this link to go directly to his own
web-site, which has an option to view it in English language.
If preferred, please telephone Slaven on (+) 385 9592 39474.
Slaven also visits schools, to conduct 'presentations' on the
many educational benefits of interactive "Sunclocks" - and
this next picture shows him, at a typical one of such events.
If you might like to view this, then it can be downloaded as a
"Windows" PowerPoint presentation by clicking on this link,
although note that it has a 'file-size' of almost 6 Megabytes !
The photograph below shows a colourful "Sunclock" layout
being painted, on a school playground in Croatia - and you
can also see a 'close-up' view of it, in our painting category.
This is included in a Croatian book (ISBN 978-953-57341-0-9)
which you may down-load from here, in 'PDF' format - and
"Sunclock" pages are those numbered 101, plus 183 to 187.
Click this link, if you would like to view more School-books.
When it was completed in 2014, this layout (at Petrinja) won
a national award as "The most beautiful schoolyard" - plus
also had a buried 'Time-capsule', to be re-opened in future !
Although painting your layout is the simplest plus cheapest
method (particularly for Schools), many different techniques
can be used - and the other sections of our 'Picture Gallery'
would give you a few ideas, by illustrating various materials.
For example the photograph, below, shows a "Sunclock" at
a location in Western Australia - which was made by using
wooden posts for its 'Hour-markers', with a simple coloured
concrete 'Date-scale' section (denoting months of the year).
Note that each layout will normally have 2 such Hour-rings,
to automatically cope with the twice-yearly 'clock changes'.
In this case only one ring of Hour-markers was required, as
Western Australia does not use any 'Daylight-Saving Time'.
Here is a photograph of another Australian "Sunclock", which is
located at Cecil Plains (Queensland) - and this shows people at
their official 'dedication ceremony' for that feature, in April 2008.
In a similar way to the layout in Alaska (illustrated above), it was
also installed as a local community project - with some funding
assistance, by both Commonwealth and Regional organizations.
Since the location is much further North (almost in the 'tropics'),
notice how the Hour-markers are a 'flatter' ellipse - plus that its
'mid-day' numerals are nearer, to the central Date-scale section.
You could see it more easily in the lower 'close-up' photograph,
and with its 'anti-clockwise' hours for the southern hemisphere.
Our mosaic category shows some more pictures, of this layout.
You are able to share in the world-wide success of this unique
"Sunclock" business, with a 'FREE Franchise' which we offer !
There is no cost to be involved (in several possible ways), and
ALL of the profit which you create would be entirely your own.
The simplest way to make money, is re-selling our customized
Sundial Plans - plus which can just be E-mailed to customers,
(at whatever price you decide to charge them for these Plans).
You could make and/or install layouts, for even greater profits.
If you would like to see some more of the photographs 
you can return to our 'Picture Gallery', by clicking on this icon.
Click on Red Button, to return to FIRST PAGE.
Should you have any questions, then please contact us via our
Response Form - or click on this link to see why "Sunclocks"
have become so popular, when compared with other sundials.
Remember you could also make money with Human Sundials,
so please contact us if you may be interested in generating an
income, from this very unusual 'opportunity'. We suggest that
you telephone us, plus ask to speak direct with Douglas Hunt,
whose sundial plans have been in use world-wide since 1986.
Douglas should then be able to discuss several 'possibilities',
and give some advice suited to your personal circumstances.
Our unique sundial designs are located in numerous different
situations - from Schoolyards, to private gardens and Parks,
as well as courtyard sundials at prestigious "Stately Homes".
"Sunclocks" are very interactive sundials for children - plus
all of our sundial layouts are 'customized', for YOUR location,
so you can be sure that it would show the correct clock time.
These are particularly popular within the Educational Sector,
due to many 'curriculum-wide' aspects, of a Human Sundial !
You could click these links to see why "Sunclocks" are now
often used as school sundials, plus the benefits for teachers
(including 'fund-raising') of these novel sundials for learning.
As garden sundials, there are advantages over the 'pedestal'
type - mainly since our ground-level "Sunclock" cannot be
stolen, plus it does not interfere with grass-cutting of a lawn.
Click here to find why this sundial has become very popular,
when compared with some of the other 'conventional' types.
Click on this 'book' icon, to see a list of ALL the pages in our web-site - and
select your choice of category, from within that 'Sitemap' section :