If an Internet 'search' has taken you directly to THIS page, then
we would strongly recommend that you should firstly go to the
opening page of our web-site - so you can choose any section
of most interest to you, such as Photographs or the Frequently
Asked Questions - or even making money from "Sunclocks" !
Alternatively, the 'Sitemap' page would give you more options.
These interactive 'Human Sundials' are now extremely popular
and here are just three of many pictures, which you can view :
These are only small copies - full-size photographs (plus further details
for each of them), are shown within the 'Picture Gallery' on our web-site.
You could also click on any of the pictures, above, for more information.
Unique layouts can be created, in a wide range of materials - using our
sundial plans, plus which are specifically 'customized' to each location.
If you are looking for a 'hands-on' outdoor educational project,
which would teach basic principles of sundials - then making
a Human Sundial is an excellent choice, and it also brightens-
up any playgrounds with a useful (plus vandal-proof) feature !
It will indicate correct clock time (including 'Daylight-Saving'),
and demonstrates Seasons slowly changing through the year.
Especially in a School situation, remember that its layout may
even be 'self-funding' - plus also giving the perfect reason to
look forward to a School Re-union, on some date in the future.
As well as being used for its intended function, the 'feed-back'
we receive (mainly from Teachers) suggests that children find
these "Sunclocks" absolutely fascinating - because they are
using THEIR OWN SHADOWS, to tell correct clock time ! Kids
also devise their own set of 'games', based around the layout.
In the UK, many Schools use our interactive "Sunclocks" as a
way to cover several requirements of the National Curriculum.
In advance of creating an accurate 'Human Sundial' (using our
customized set of Layout Plans), some teachers may prefer to
have an outdoor educational project showing basic principles.
Simply click on this link, to download a 4-page PDF document,
(as produced by the "Royal Greenwich Observatory") - which
could offer children 'practical experience' of telling time, using
their own shadow, before the school makes a real "Sunclock".
It is usually the younger children at Primary Schools, who use
this interactive feature - plus for USA Schools, you can 'click'
the picture below to find other projects aimed at "2nd Grade".
Most schools will just paint these layouts on their playground,
or alternatively use more permanent thermo-plastic markings.
However, they can be made from different materials to suit its
location (such as wood, concrete, or even metal studs) - plus
it is also ideal if you want an interesting 'Art and Craft' project.
Even if you do not want to make a 'full-size' Human Sundial, on
the ground, you could scale-down the Layout Plans to create a
smaller version, on paper - plus which can be taken home, by
each of the students, to be used as accurate 'working models'.
To do that, just print-out the layout (page 5) from our Plans and
stick it on to a piece of stiff cardboard using suitable adhesive.
A thin vertical rod (for example, a pencil) can cast the shadow,
plus is moved along its 'Date-scale' to the appropriate position
(which would illustrate the varying Seasons, month by month).
The double-ring will automatically cope with 'Daylight-Saving',
plus you can also see an example on our 'School-books' page.
The two small diagrams below show a typical layout, and note
that both the rings of Hour-markers are elliptical (not circular).
For the Southern Hemisphere however, layouts will be totally
different - with Hours being in the 'anti-clockwise' direction !
Remember that YOU could make additional income by simply
're-selling' our customized Layout Plans, to other people - for
example: Schools, Gardeners, plus Architects & Landscapers.
ALL of the profits which you make, are entirely your own, and
each layout automatically acts as its own advertisement - so
creating an expanding 'chain-reaction' effect, of more orders !
Please telephone us, if you are interested in that opportunity,
plus you will make even more money by producing any 'kits'.
This interactive Human Sundial has become so popular, as an
outdoor education project - that it is shown in School-books,
plus often used for Eagle Scout projects in the United States.
For example, the next picture illustrates a mosaic layout at an
Elementary School (in Virginia) - plus which was installed as
such an Eagle Scout community project, giving their school a
very colourful feature that is also functional and vandal-proof.
Note that it is the DIRECTION (but not length), of any person's
shadow which indicates time - so it does not matter how tall
or short, they are. For small children, shadows could be very
easily 'extended' by simply placing their hands together over
their heads - as shown in this photograph (below) plus there
are more details, on our "Frequently Asked Questions" page.
Our "Sunclock" is normally designed to tell correct clock time
from 7 am until 6 pm, throughout the 'Winter' period - or from
6 am until 9 pm, during any 'Daylight-saving' part of each year.
That is why they usually have TWO rings of Hour-markers, but
see the "Frequently Asked Questions" for further information.
This photograph, below, shows an unusual layout - in which
the Hour-markers have been made into a complete 'circle' of
stepping stones, (but obviously won't tell time after sunset) !
Most schools will just paint these layouts on their playground,
or maybe use a simple Do-it-Yourself mosaic technique - and
some examples are illustrated in the two photographs, below.
The mosaic shown has a 'theme' of animals and birds, but you
can obviously select your own subject, plus the colours used.
Schools are a significant majority of our own customers, plus
'Human Sundials' are also popular as unique garden features.
Normally set into lawns, these would not interfere with grass-
cutting - and make unusual 'conversation-pieces', which can
be used to increase the value of a property (particularly if you
mention that well-known Stately Homes have a "Sunclock" ) !
You could click on this link, to see pictures of some layouts at
locations such as "Chatsworth House", plus "Longleat", (UK).
Our photograph, below, illustrates a typical 'garden' situation,
on the lawn at a house in Loughborough, Leicestershire (UK).
Public as well as 'private' gardens have a "Sunclock", and this
picture below shows one at "Westacre Gardens" (Norfolk, UK).
Obviously, every "Sunclock" could be set into a wide variety
of 'soft' or 'hard' landscaping (not just grass lawns) - plus the
next picture shows a layout which has been installed within a
'gravelled' area, so this will need absolutely no maintenance !
By coincidence, it is also in Leicestershire, UK - at Gilmorton.
It is even possible to 'combine' a gravelled background, into a
grass area, as shown in the picture below - provided that the
gravel is 'contained', by means of an "edging strip", around it.
That is shown better in the lower 'close-up' photograph - and
this particular layout is located at Lauderdale Lakes, (Florida).
The fact that "Sunclocks" are essentially 'vandal-proof', plus
need no maintenance, means they are ideal for public areas.
Just a small piece of level ground is required, to install these
features - and the following two photographs show a layout
in the "Energy Garden", on the esplanade at Southport (UK).
Our professional category has more 'sea-front' photographs.
In this right-hand picture, note that the 'Date-scale' is slightly
wider than we usually suggest - but making the "Sunclock"
much easier for any disabled people to use, in a wheel-chair.
If you would like to see some more of the photographs 
you can return to our 'Picture Gallery', by clicking on this icon.
Click on Red Button, to return to FIRST PAGE.
Should you have any questions, then please contact us via our
Response Form - or click on this link to see why "Sunclocks"
have become so popular, when compared with other sundials.
Remember you could also make money with Human Sundials,
so please contact us if you may be interested in generating an
income, from this very unusual 'opportunity'. We suggest that
you telephone us, plus ask to speak direct with Douglas Hunt,
whose sundial plans have been in use world-wide since 1986.
Douglas should then be able to discuss several 'possibilities',
and give some advice suited to your personal circumstances.
Our unique sundial designs are located in numerous different
situations - from Schoolyards, to private gardens and Parks,
as well as courtyard sundials at prestigious "Stately Homes".
These are particularly popular within the Educational Sector,
due to many 'curriculum-wide' aspects, of a Human Sundial !
You could click these links to see why "Sunclocks" are now
often used as school sundials, plus the benefits for teachers
(including 'fund-raising') of these novel sundials for learning.
As garden sundials, there are advantages over the 'pedestal'
type - mainly since our ground-level "Sunclock" cannot be
stolen, plus it does not interfere with grass-cutting of a lawn.
All of our sundial layouts are 'customized', for your location,
so you can be sure that they will indicate correct clock time.
Click here to find why this sundial has become very popular
when compared with most of the other 'conventional' types.
Click on this 'book' icon, to see a list of ALL the pages in our web-site - and
select your choice of category, from within that 'Sitemap' section :