[!]    IMPORTANT !    [!]
If any external 'link' has taken you to THIS page, then please note
that the website for George Marshall is currently being 'up-dated',
though please also see below for a possible alternative supplier !
[ George Marshall ]
You can contact George via E-mail, by clicking on the above link,
if you have any questions about his interactive 'Human Sundials'.
If you prefer, just telephone him on: (+61) (0) 741 256 403  -  or via
this 'mobile' number for Australia, which is: (+61) (0) 490 253 266.
However, please note that George has chosen to only offer Plans
for 'SINGLE-ring' layouts  -  which will NOT automatically change
to or from Daylight-Saving Time, in the way that our "Sunclocks"
do (so his version does not 'track' shadows, in an accurate way).
Basically, it means shadows would be too short in Summer  -  or
too long in Winter, (compared with DOUBLE-ring "Sunclocks" ) !
Of course, you can always INSIST that you would prefer genuine
"Sunclock"  Layout Plans  -  not a 'cut-down' version by George,
(or telephone us to request a complete 'sample' set of our Plans,
which could then be compared with a set from George Marshall).
Although this is still 'a work in progress', you could try using the
"QRcode"  (below), to view George's latest website  -  but please
note there may be a difficulty with the site 'Security Certificate' !
If so, then you should notify Toni Livesey, (see the photograph
below)  -  who is responsible for 'maintenance' of that website.
[ QRcode to access George's new website ]
Alternatively, you could get in contact with Toni Livesey of "Total
Website Management"  -  to ask her about the situation regarding
an up-date of George's website, by clicking on the picture below.
[ Toni Livesey ]
However, if you are based in Australia, and URGENTLY require
'Human Sundial' layout plans  -  we suggest sending an E-mail to
Donald Christensen, or telephone 'mobile' number 0467 332 227.
[ Donald Christensen ]
Donald specialises in creating such 'interactive layouts', for any
SCHOOLS  -  by his business known as "Sundials for Learning".
You can CLICK HERE for photographs, of our 'Human Sundials'.