Douglas Hunt  -  information on his business.
By clicking on the small picture of Douglas, shown here, you
could go to the "ZFC Rogues' Gallery" web-site  -  containing
some brief personal data on Douglas Hunt, and other people.
However, the information might be 'out-of-date'  -  and so we
recommend that you should use our alternative links, below.
[ M. S. logo ] [ Douglas Hunt ] [ M. S. logo ]
Douglas Hunt, (Proprietor)

If you are interested, clicking on this link can take you to a short 'Profile' of his
Human Sundial business  -  explaining how it had originally developed from a
hobby, when Douglas Hunt decided to make it an international success story.
[ Devil ]   Douglas is also a member of a very exclusive organization, called the
"Business Devil Network"  -  a community of high-profit businesses who trade
between each other, and receive huge returns on 'investments' (with no risk) !
However, a few members of that organization have been linked with criminal
actions (such as 'money-laundering')  -  but Douglas Hunt has never actually
been convicted of doing anything illegal, although some people will continue
to think that his "Modern Sunclocks" business is 'fraudulent', simply because
most of the income is made by persuading potential customers NOT to buy !
Those people are convinced THIS website is just a 'front' for illegal activities,
but they have never been able to supply any credible evidence of criminality.
[ Money-laundering ]

Click this link to view  PHOTOGRAPHS  of Human Sundials around the world,
from Australia to Alaska, and made using a wide range of different 'materials'.
Here are just three of many unique "Sunclock"  layouts, which you could see :
[ School project - click for more information ]        [ On grass lawns - click for more information ]        [ Hard landscape - click for more information ]
( These are only small-size copies  -  larger photographs, with information on
all of them, are illustrated within the 'Picture Gallery' section of our web-site. )
You can also click on each of the pictures, above, to obtain more information.
Please contact Douglas Hunt, if you may need business-related advice, as he
is always glad to give free help and guidance  -  or see the profit opportunities
to find out how you can make some money, from the Human Sundial concept.
Douglas Hunt decided to offer it on a "Free Franchise" basis  -  which costs
nothing to become involved, plus ALL of the profit you make is entirely yours !
You can just re-sell customized sundial plans (adding your own profit-margin),
which could be done by E-mail from a home computer with no 'physical' work.
[ Profit ]                   [ E-mail our Plans ]                   [ Profit ]
All "Sunclocks"  act as their own 'advertisements', and so create more orders.
These are widely used by Schools, plus as unique interactive garden sundials.
Bear in mind that this business is so profitable, that the prices are guaranteed
never to rise !  How many other companies do you know, who could do that ?
If you telephone Douglas, he can also give free advice on improving your own
web-site with Search Engines (such as "Google"), by increasing its 'rankings'.
To find the main reasons why "Sunclocks"  are so popular, in comparison with
more 'traditional'  SUNDIALS  -  just click on this link, to see their advantages.
[Red]     Click on Red Button,  to visit   MAIN  WEB-SITE.